Sunday, May 13, 2007

Shows I'll Miss But You Shouldn't

There should be a corollary to Murphy's Law that says, "whenever I'm out of town, the best Tokyo shows happen".

Well, OK, I do make it to most of the good ones, but I'm not so lucky next week: I'm traveling abroad and as a consequence will miss some events I would otherwise undoubtedly attend.

One of those is the gig on May 17 at the Nishiazabu Baron featuring Japanese+American indie pop group Lost in Found, who split up but are getting together again for a couple of nights, and are playing with 4 Bonjour's Parties and a few other bands. Actually, I'm not that surprised Lost in Found are playing together again because the members still seem friendly with each other, but in any case it's good to see them together once more.

The next day, on Friday May 18, is shoegazer/artistic rock band Luminous Orange's show, where their (actually, strictly speaking, her--Luminous Orange is Rie Takeuchi) new album sakura swirl will be on sale, ahead of their official record store release. Again, if I weren't out of the country, I'd definitely be at this performance: Luminous Orange only plays rarely and I want to listen to the new album ASAP.

The day after that on May 19, head to the Bogaloo in Yoyogi for some guitar pop: One Light, murmur, Orang, Ricarope and humming parlour will be weaving bright melodies.

Also this month, on May 30, pop trio Swinging Popsicle is releasing their long-awaited 5th album Go on--I'll be buying as soon as it hits the store shelves.

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