
I went to the Basement Bar show not only because I wanted to see Ricarope again, but also because I was interested in catching polyABC's show there that night. I'd been to one of their shows before, and I liked a song they contributed to a Various Artists album called Killermont Street 2001. (If I can digress here, that album is a special one for me, because it's where I first heard advantage Lucy, my favorite Japanese band. My J-pop craze really got started when I heard in that album a version of their song "Chikyu-" ((in English, "Earth")) that starts with a recording of children playing in a park, followed by a beautiful acoustic guitar part. Years after I first heard it, it's still one of the songs I like most in the world.)
PolyABC includes Umu, who is also the bassist for House Plan and the Bank$. He's a busy guy.
In the end, my conclusion was that this band plays with abundant energy and has its moments but not much of their music leaves a strong impression. That was what I felt last time I saw them too.
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